The East Central Illinois Area Agency on Aging is conducting a series of Public Hearings to inform older adults, persons with disabilities, family caregivers, grandparents and other relatives raising children, and other interested individuals and organizations about Older Americans Act services for Fiscal Year 2020.
SPRINGFIELD – Schools with high numbers of student discipline incidents would be eligible for grants to help reduce the use of suspensions under legislation led by Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood).
“Time spent in the classroom is vital for our students,” Lightford said. “Supporting programs that address our children’s wellbeing holistically will help deal with behavioral issues and create a better learning environment for all students.”
Establishes a Racial Impact Note and prohibits racial discrimination of state employees
SPRINGFIELD – Minority communities would have more information on the effects proposed legislation could have on their community under a measure led by Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood).
Members of the General Assembly would be able to file a Racial Impact Note to any piece of legislation, requiring state agencies to respond with an estimate of the possible effect on minority communities. When considering legislation, lawmakers may file a variety of such notes highlighting certain concerns, such as a Fiscal Impact Note.
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