SPRINGFIELD – To protect consumers from being taken advantage of due to misinformation from alternative retail electric suppliers, Senate Majority Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) is leading legislation that was approved by the Senate on Wednesday.
“The data clearly demonstrates that alternative suppliers focus their signup efforts on low-income neighborhoods, those where English is a secondary language, and communities of color,” Lightford said. “I am proud to stand with Attorney General Raoul to protect our most vulnerable residents from unknowingly signing contracts that will result in rate hikes they cannot afford.”
According to the Attorney General’s Office, over the last three years consumers enrolled with alternative retail electric suppliers have paid almost $400 million more in electricity costs than consumers who stayed with their default public utility.
SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Senate approved a constitutional amendment that would allow the state to implement a Fair Tax structure on Wednesday. Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) released the following statement after the vote:
“Our working and middle class families have been forced to cover the cost for running our state under a tax structure that does not require wealthy people to contribute their fair share, and we are working to give voters a chance to change that.
“We desperately need to repair our infrastructure, fund our schools and provide services that lift our communities up. That cannot be done under our current tax structure, and I hope to see the potential we voted for today come to fruition.”
Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) is hosting her 8th Annual "We Adore Our Women" Mammograms for Mother's Day Event on Saturday, May 11. Click the flyer to view the list of participating beauty salons in the 4th District.
Elevate Energy is hosting events to provide contractors information on how to participate in new Illinois solar programs on APril 30 and May 9.
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