Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) is hosting her 10th Annual "We Love Our Men" Prostate Exams for Father's Day Event at local barber shops. Please click the flyer to view the list of barber shops across the 4th District.
SPRINGFIELD – Children taken into protective custody under suspicion of abuse could soon take part in a forensic interview without parental consent as a result of legislation by Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood).
House Bill 909, approved by the Senate on Friday, addresses issues in cases where an abused minor’s parents do not wish for the child to participate in a criminal investigation that may implicate a family member or close friend.
“Children need to feel safe and empowered to report their abuser, and most importantly, have the opportunity to end their abuse,” Lightford said. “By removing parental consent, we are ensuring that no child will be forced to stay silent.”
A forensic interview is an interview between a trained forensic interviewer and a child in which the interviewer obtains information in an unbiased and fact-finding manner, with the goal of supporting accurate and fair decision-making by caseworkers in the criminal justice and child protection systems.
The measure moves to the governor for final approval.
The landlord seminar is a FREE day-long event meant to connect and educate landlords in suburban Cook County about HACC's HCV program and other topics relevant to property owners. Check out the flyer for more details!
Register today at
On Tuesday, June 11, 2019, the League will convene its annual SUMMIT and relaunch its “State of Black Chicago” report to highlight key statistics on how African Americans are faring compared to the general population when it comes to education, housing, and employment. The Summit Luncheon, themed Getting to Equal: The State of Black Chicago, will closely explore issues of diversity within careers involving science, technology, engineering and math.
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