CHICAGO – Continuing efforts to provide support for struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic, Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) announces increases in SNAP benefits, help for people experiencing homelessness and backing for child care providers serving essential workers during this crisis.
“Our most vulnerable residents and families are feeling the brunt of the fight against COVID-19,” Lightford said. “Through Governor Pritzker’s leadership, we are able to provide some relief to people in need as we continue to combat this virus.”
The state of Illinois has requested special waivers from the United States Department of Agriculture allowing the Illinois Department of Human Services to increase monthly benefit amounts of the Supplemental Food and Nutrition Program, expand SNAP access, and expediting process and flexibility. The expansion will result in almost $80 million more for Illinois families, and double existing benefits for many people.
Testing Kits/Equipment
Q: How many mobile testing facilities will be allowed statewide, and what are their current locations?
A: Currently there are 4 locations available for drive-thru testing: Harwood Heights/Chicago, Northlake, Joliet, and Bolingbrook. All four of the mobile testing sites operate under U.S. Health and Human Services criteria which prioritizes health care workers and first responders. As availability allows, testing criteria may be expanded beyond this initial pilot program.
Emergency Management (IEMA)
Q: Is there availability of state resources to provide for the housing or for payment to private facilities that have been directed by IEMA to arrange 25 beds of temporary housing?
A: IEMA asked the counties to identify alternative housing within their communities, and if the county cannot provide the 25-bed minimum, then they can indicate that on the template. FEMA has provided additional clarifying guidance for state/local governments about reimbursement for non-congregate facilities. Yes, 25 was the target number for local jurisdictions, and hotels were one of the options we provided.
IEMA and DHS have looked at state locations (parks, colleges, universities, etc.) to assist local jurisdictions. The following lodges meet the select listed criteria contained in the question, specifically, 25 beds of temporary housing, no circulating area, and individual bathrooms:
· Starved Rock – LaSalle
· White Pines Forest – Ogle
· IL Beach – Lake
· Carlyle Lake – Clinton
· Pere Marquette – Jersey
· Giant City - Union
Once the jurisdictions have turned in their updated plans, which are due 20 March 2020, the state can start to analyze remaining gaps and look at options for those jurisdictions such as state facilities or developing regional plans consolidating multi-county resources. Region 2 (Northwest Illinois) have already developed their own regional plan.
For more COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information for Illinois Taxpayers from IDOR:
If you or someone you know is in neeed of free or low cost legal assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, please contact the following:
CARPLS Legal Aid Hotline for legal information, advice and referrals for Cook County residents, 312-738-9200.
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, for free legal assistance in southern and central Illinois, 1-877-342-7891.
Prairie State Legal Services, for free legal assistance in northern and western Illinois, 1-800-531-7057.
Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network, for free legal assistance for veterans, active service members, reservists and their dependents, 1-855-452-3526.
Illinois Legal Aid Online, for online legal research, forms, guidance and statewide legal aid directory.
Illinois Free Legal Answers a virtual legal clinic where low-income Illinois residents can submit a question online to ask a lawyer for help with a civil legal issue.
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